Thursday 13 June: Generation 2.0 Stream


Welcome Coffee
Opening remarks from the Chair

Peta Ashworth
Director, Curtin Institute for Energy Transition
Curtin University

Creating the policy environment to foster growth in the renewable energy sector
INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS: Defining effective policy and regulatory settings that can expedite decentralised energy generation
  • Defining strategies to ease the backlog of connection requests from energy developers
  • Regulatory options to manage the growth in decentralised generation and maximise its value
  • Innovation in renewables policy to encourage growth – what works and what doesn’t?

Jignasa Gadani
Director, Office of Energy Policy and Innovation
US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)


Supercharging the rollout of renewables – addressing the lack of action on renewables build-out
  • Will the Capacity Investment Scheme be more successful than the RET in ramping up renewable development?
  • Integrating power supply with transport and industry demand
  • Distilling the electricity market reform which will encourage more renewable generation

Frank Jotzo
Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy; Head of Energy, Institute for Climate Energy and Disaster Solutions
Australian National University (ANU)

Enabling a technology agnostic, cost effective and socially responsible transition

John Ivulich
Chief Executive Officer & Country Chair

PANEL DISCUSSION: Which generation formats are going to contribute most in the long and short term?

Renewable generation in Australia is dominated by solar and on-shore wind. This panel will explore the viability of underdeveloped energy technologies in Australia

  • How can the Australian regulatory system better support new technologies for efficient energy generation?
  • How can the economic feasibility of new generation formats be accurately assessed?
  • Which energy formats can be implemented in time to be helpful to the transition, and which are longer-term propositions?
  • Who should carry standing risk with new generation projects?


Sophie Fitzpatrick
Senior Public Affairs Manager
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners


Ian Brooksbank
Chief Executive Officer
Hydro Tasmania

Michael Brear
Melbourne Energy Institute (MEI)

Chloe Hicks
Executive Director, Strategy and Policy
Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo)

Ravi Kumar Mandalika
APAC Energy & Utilities Industry Leader
IBM Consulting

Julie Romanet-Perroux
Managing Director Energy Transition
Accenture Australia & New Zealand

Morning tea in the expo hall
Creating solutions that work for all stakeholders – local community, investors and buyers of renewable energy
Better community engagement for a just energy transition – insights from Europe

Tina Piga
Utilities Industry Managing Director
Accenture Australia & New Zealand

Powering the transition toward sustainable energy generation with hydro
  • Harnessing hydroelectric innovation for robust and sustainable energy production
  • Integrating hydropower into diverse energy mixes for resilient generation
  • Advocating for policies that recognize the long-term value of hydropower

Markus Brokhof
Chief Operating Officer

Navigating the green divide: strategies to overcome new and entrenched barriers to delivering a clean energy future
  • What’s really holding us back from a wind, solar and storage energy system in Australia?
  • How do we address the new and emerging trade-offs in a transition to 100 per cent renewable energy?
  • How can investors, industry, governments, communities and customers truly align on a net zero agenda?

Rik De Buyserie
Chief Executive Officer
ENGIE Australia & New Zealand

Lunch in the expo hall
Investor perspective: dodging the transmission logjam and unlocking the investment pipeline
  • Investing in smaller renewables and storage projects which can deploy faster and have lower risk and quicker grid connections
  • Using platforms to smooth administration when a multitude of smaller companies and projects are involved
  • Building a deep pipeline of projects in large-scale energy transition and renewables projects

Lachlan Creswell
Head of Green Investment Group ANZ
Macquarie Asset Management

Reshaping tomorrow's energy mix
Future gas demand for gas-powered generation (GPG) - uncertainties, implications and transition concerns
  • Modelling the growing volatility in future gas demand for power generation, as the NEM transforms
  • Assessing the ability of current physical systems and markets to cope with highly uncertain future GPG demand patterns
  • Implications for the gas and electricity sectors, and energy transition planners

Joe Lane
Senior Research Fellow, Gas and Energy Transition Research Centre
University of Queensland

What could a technology-neutral approach to net zero look like?

Clare Dahlstrom
Head of Media and Communications
Low Emission Technology Australia (LET Australia)

Afternoon tea in the expo hall
INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS: US perspective on transitioning from fossil fuels to low carbon power as an on-site generator
  • What strategies can be implemented during the transition, to ensure a high level of reliability and resiliency on critical infrastructure assets
  • How the IRA incentivises the transition at a local level in the US

Malcolm Bambling
Senior Manager Central Power Plant
University of Michigan

From fossil to phoenix: the rise of green heat solutions in the next wave of energy transformation
Accelerating the production of renewable gas projects within the next few years to meet net zero goals
  • Standardisation of Guarantee of Origin and infrastructure to ensure compatibility with low carbon solutions (LCS)
  • Examining pathways for integrating natural gas into projects versus operating renewable sources independently
  • Determining the policy and regulations to incentivise the development of renewable gas

Emma Roberts
Executive General Manager Future Energy
CS Energy

PANEL DISCUSSION: What is the future of gas-powered generation in Australia?
  • How do the tightened emission reduction targets impact gas-powered generation?
  • How vital is gas to filling reliability gaps as coal generation retires over the next 3-4 years?
  • Can gas-powered generation move from natural gas to alternatives smoothly?
  • What is the future of natural and renewable gas in Australia?


Jill Cainey
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Erne Energy


Cathryn McArthur
Executive General Manager, Customer and Strategy
Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)

John Ivulich
Chief Executive Officer & Country Chair

Jane Ballard
Herbert Smith Freehills

David Close
Director, Gas and Energy Transition Research Centre
University of Queensland

Closing remarks from Chair
End of Generation 2.0 stream